Quick tip: How to find your security identifier(SID) on your system?

Whenever we restore our Dynamics AX database, we have to update the UserInfo table to set the correct NetworkDomain, NetworkAlias and the SID fields.

Most of us have a simple SQL script which we run whenever we need this.

You may know the network domain and alias values but finding the SID value can be difficult. Well, the SID value or Security IDentifier value is a unique ID by which your system is identifier by other systems or network domains.

This value is stored in the registry.

Open the Windows registry by typing regedit in the run menu and navigate your way to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Protected Storage System Provider\S-X-X-XX-XXXXXXXXX- XXXXXXXXXX- XXXXXXXXXX-XXX

This is where you can find the SID of your system.

Hope this helps.


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